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User Guide


The aptly named Cringe Lord is our configuration management tool. Its goal is to load configuration settings from various sources so our applications can conveniently use them. This way of working improves both the maintainability and security of our applications.

Cringe Lord is a CLI tool that helps you separate configuration from implementation. Running the tool loads your application's settings into the environment by looking for their values in your configuration file. You do not have to specify which settings you require, as Cringe Lord will parse your application's source code to infer which ones you need.


You can find Cringe Lord's binaries in Cringe Lord's Package Repository on our GitLab.

The repository's access token is stored in PIM.


You can manually install cringelord through pip:

pip install cringelord --index-url https://__token__:<access_token>

Or add it to your requirements.txt:

--extra-index-url https://__token__:<access_token>


Add Cringe Lord's Package Repository on GitLab to your Pipfile as a source:

url = "https://__token__:<access_token>"
verify_ssl = false
name = "<source_name>"
You can now use it for the cringelord package in your Pipfile:
cringelord = {version="<version_number>", index = "<source_name>"}



Cringe Lord is a CLI tool you can use via the cringelord command. The tool will definitely change over time, so we advise using the --help option when inquiring about the options and arguments:

cringelord --help


cringelord development
The above code will load the settings your application requires from the cringe-config.yaml file. Your application should be located in the current working directory, and this directory should contain the cringe-config.yaml file in its root.

If you want to use a different configuration file or application directory, you have to specify them using options:

cringelord -c my-config.yaml -d old/ development
cringelord --config my-config.yaml --old-dir old/ development


Always run cringelord before running your application (locally, on Jenkins, etc.), because it will make sure your application has all of its required environment variables present in the environment.


Cringe Lord requires you to have a .yaml configuration file with the values of the environment variables your script requirements. By default (i.e., when you don't specify a configuration file), cringelord will look for a cringe-config.yaml file in the current working directory.


cringe-config.yaml is the file that contains all the configuration settings that your application requires.

Let's take a look at an example:

  author: Thomas Vanhelden
  company: Cegeka

    name: Production
    description: Production environment.
      - prd
      - prod
      - production
      database_pim_id: 12345
        name: pyodbc
        spec: Microsoft ODBC Version 18
        - secuser_usd12_prd
        - soc_srvc_prd
    name: Acceptance environment
    description: Acceptance environment for testing.
      - acc
      - test
      - acceptance
      - dev
      database_pim_id: 67890
        name: pyodbc
        spec: Microsoft ODBC Version 17
        - secuser_usd12_acc
        - soc_srvc_acc

  location: jenkins
  name: pim_api
  username: soc_srvc_jenkins
The structure of this file is very forgiving, and only requires the environments top-level key to be present. Here, cringelord will look for environment-specific settings. Other top-level keys will be regarded as settings that are valid for all environments.


Environment-specific settings have to be specified under the environment's settings key, and have to be individual key-value pairs.

Settings can be anything you like, as long as their values are serializable. This includes strings, dictionaries, lists, etc. However, don't forget to de-serialize the values you get from the environment variables (i.e., using json.loads(<env_var_value>))


Environments don't require a name, description or aliases, but it is advised to do so. This is because it makes the configuration more human-readable, and cringelord looks in both the key, name, and aliases to find the correct environment. With the above example, if the user of cringelord wants to run it for the "Production" environment, he can provide the following values: 1. prd 2. prod 3. production 4. PRodUcTioN 5. etc.

This is done to make the tool's usage more fault-tolerant.

Developer Documentation

Source Code

You can find all source code in the cringe_lord package.

Commandline API

The commandline API is defined in cringe_lord/api/ This module only contains code related to the interface, and does not contain any logic.


The high-level logic is defined in the cringe_lord/ module, while the lower-level logic is contained in utility modules in the cringe_lord/util package. Here we have two modules and

Config Parser

The ConfigParser class is responsible for parsing a configuration file. It will determine which settings are related to which environments, and it can parse the environment structure.

When you have a set of settings for which you require the values, you can use the get_settings object of your ConfigParser object.

Env Call Finder

The module exposes the find_env_call_vars function that detects all environment variable usages in the directory you provide. It will recursively walk through the given directory (current working directory, by default) and look for getenv statements in all Python files.